Revista científica digital INSPILIP Código ISSN 2588-0551
DOI: 10.31790/inspilip.v1i2.33.g38
Pero, ¿qué es la felicidad y qué la
determina? Muy distante de lo que se
piensa, no es el entorno, la abundancia o los
bienes materiales.
Palabras clave: Educación, comunicación,
felicidad, cultura, complejidad.
Since its inception, human beings have
sought happiness, either by simple
satisfaction and momentary pleasures or to
achieve permanent individual or collective
success. The truth is that being happy has
become an imminent necessity in all aspects
of people's lives. Relate happiness with a
certain state of health, it is possible, since
happy and optimistic people tend to enjoy
better health than those who live stressed
and bad humored. It has been scientifically
proven that happy people have lower levels
of cortisol in the blood, the stress hormone,
which can contribute to a large number of
diseases if it is maintained at high levels for
a long time. People in a bad mood and
stress, in addition to producing more
cortisol, also have low levels of protein,
which could trigger widespread
inflammation in the body. Currently in the
world, happiness is analyzed not only as
emotion, but also as a science for effective
progress in the medical, social and
educational fields. This is how it is already
inserted in the area of teaching and
scientific research centers, that is, an aspect
applicable from the most basic levels of
schooling to the academy, through
processes where the communication factor
is preponderant in leading to determined
strategies and actions to achieve the
objectives set. But what is happiness and
what determines it? Very distant from what
one thinks, it is not the environment,
abundance or material goods.
Keywords: Education, communication,
happiness, culture, complexity.
Revista científica INSPILIP. Disponible en: Diciembre de 2017